St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to our St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School Bristol website.

I hope the information provided on our website gives you an insight into the experiences and opportunities we offer our pupils to grow and flourish.

As a school, we pride ourselves on providing a learning environment and a variety of opportunities for our children so that every one of them may be helped to reach their full potential and make the most of their talents given to them by God. The care and well-being of every child is integral to the ethos of our Catholic school and we are blessed with a dedicated and committed team of staff and Governors who work hard to ensure this.

At St. Teresa’s we see ourselves as more than just a school, we are a school family. Our Catholic Christian Community and all aspects of our school life and work reflect our faith.

The mission of St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School is to provide a Catholic education that inspires our school family to excellence in all our God given talents, where we let our lights shine for all to see.

We greatly value our partnership with parents. We believe that working together is the best way to ensure your child develops a solid foundation and a love for learning.

Mrs Samantha Land

Executive Principal


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