School Meals at St. Teresa's
Our School Meals are provided by Chartwells who work hard to excite both pupils’ taste buds and minds.
Chartwells provide delicious, nutritious school meals through enticing and balanced menus.
They are dedicated to inspiring our pupils with curriculum-driven educational initiatives that focus on growing, cooking and health. They also work with schools to create marketing campaigns unique to each establishment.
The present price is £2.70 per day and payment for dinners needs to be made via ParentPay. Please can you ensure that dinners are paid for on a weekly basis to prevent debts arising. All children are asked each day at registration if they are having a school dinner or a packed lunch.
Any family in receipt of Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance may be entitled to free meals. Application forms for Free School Meals can be obtained from the school office. Please see ‘Free School Meals’ page for further information.
For a copy of the latest menu please click on the link below:-
Children may bring a packed lunch to school to be eaten in the dining hall. Lunches should be packed in a plastic container indelibly marked with the child’s name. Breakable containers and cans of drink should not be brought to school. We promote healthy eating and appreciate parents’ support when preparing lunches.