On the 1st March 2022 St Teresa's became part of the Cardinal Newman Catholic Education Trust and our governors are now members of the St Teresa's Local Governing Committee.
Cardinal Newman Catholic Education Trust website:
The Local Governing Committee of St. Teresa’s has overall responsibility for:
Determining the strategic direction of school with the Headteacher.
Monitoring the performance of the school.
The appointment of teaching and non-teaching staff.
School policies.
The maintenance of the building.
The administration of the local budget.
Six of its members are Foundation Governors, appointed by the Bishop of Clifton.
One Staff Governor and two Parent Governors are elected.
The Headteacher is a Governor unless he/she chooses not to be, making a current total of ten Governors.
Our current Governors are:-
Max Fauvet ~ Foundation Governor, Chair of Governors and Leadership and Management link Governor
Andrew Drake ~ Parent Governor, Vice-Chair of Governors, School Improvement Plan and Pupil Premium & grants and Special Educational Needs (SEND) Link Governor
Samantha Land ~ Executive Principal
Helen Hales ~ Staff Governor
Tony Nicholas ~ Foundation Governor, Catholicity, Safeguarding and Looked After Children Link Governor
Elaine Acolatse - Foundation Governor and Wellbeing Link Governor
Misa Wade ~ Foundation Governor
Father James Finan ~ Foundation Governor
Vacancy - Parent Governor
Christopher Matthews - Foundation Governor, Health and Safety and Curriculum link Governor
NTrust ~ Clerk to Governors
To contact governors please email:
For further information relating to Governance please click on the links below:-
Accounts 17/18 Accounts 18/19 Accounts 19/20 Accounts 20/21 Closing Accounts Feb 22
Governors' Attendance Register 2020/21 Governors' Attendance Register 2021/22
Governors' Attendance Register 2022/23
Governors' Business Interests 2022/2023 Governors' Terms of Office