St Teresa’s is a mixed Catholic Primary school of 210 pupils of whom 30 pupils are in each year group. St Teresa’s serves families within the Diocese of Clifton including parts of Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Our core mission is to provide a Catholic education that inspires our school family to excellence in all our God given talents, where we let our lights shine for all to see.
We are committed to help the pupils we serve maximise their educational opportunity by using the resources at our disposal as efficiently and effectively as possible. Our school vision is ‘Inspiring each other to excellence in the light of Christ’.
The school which has an improving and now excellent reputation for its academic performance was judged by Ofsted as an outstanding school (July 2016), and by the Diocese to be an outstanding Catholic school in our Diocesan inspection (November 2017).
The Governing body continue to seek improvements in their work on behalf of the pupils to maintain all children receive an outstanding education.