St Teresa's Catholic Primary School


St Teresa's Parent, Teacher and Friends Association are a group of parents/grandparents and carers who meet up to organise fun events for the school family. We organise a varied programme of events that help to raise essential funds to pay for school equipment and resources.

We believe that St Teresa's PTFA helps to give a real sense of community to the school by bringing parents together to enrich our children's experience in school.


If you would like to help the PTFA in the valuable work they do to support school, please ring the school office and leave your name and number and we can pass it on for you. 


Booking PTFA run events

All events organised by our PTFA are booked online at the following link:-









Some of the ways that money raised by the PTFA has benefited school:-

  • Provided half the funding for the design and installation of the Infants playtower and playground markings.
  • Fully funded new basketball posts and kit.
  • Provided new keyboards for music lessons
  • Subsidised class trips
  • Breakfast club for SATs week