St Teresa's Catholic Primary School


Attendance and Absence

Absence from school must be explained by the parent. This can be done in a number of ways:-

* a telephone call to the school office (0117 9030412)

* a visit to the school office and speak to a member of staff

The school is obliged to record all absences and their explanations.

If for any reason your child arrives late you should bring them to the office so they can be entered in the ‘late’ book please. This is part of our monitoring of attendance. Any child arriving in school after 9.20am will be marked down as an un-authorised absence.

Missing registration for a medical or dental appointment is an authorised absence, however proof is required by bringing an appointment letter/card to the office. We strongly encourage that appointments are made out of school hours.

We understand that there are rare occasions when you are late to collect your child due to delays. However, last year we had some children who were frequently picked up late. I understand how difficult it is sometimes. However, when children are collected late it prevents staff from starting clubs/meetings or from leaving when children are picked up from a club late. This will be closely monitored as part of our attendance policy.

Any request for ‘time off/absence’ for any reason must be made by arranging an appointment with myself, Mrs Land, this includes time for a break/holiday. An appointment can be arranged via the school office. Please can I also remind you however, that we DO NOT authorise absence for holidays at St. Teresa’s in line with Government policy. Any parent/carer taking their child out of school for an unnecessary absence runs the risk of receiving a fixed penalty notice. 

A Penalty Notice can be issued for unauthorised absences once there are a minimum of 10 session (5 days) within a 10-week period. The Penalty Notice can be issued per parent, per child. The Penalty Notice amount is £160.00 if paid within 28 days. However, this will be reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days. For a second Penalty Notice issued within a 3-year rolling period to the same parent in respect of the same child, the Penalty Notice is £160.00 if paid within 28 days. There is no option for this second offence to be reduced to the lower rate of £80. If the Penalty Notice remains unpaid after 28 days, then you may be prosecuted for failing to secure regular school attendance. A third Penalty Notice cannot be issued to the same parent for the same child within a 3-year rolling period. Should you continue to incur further unauthorised absences then alternative action will be considered, which could include a prosecution for failing to secure regular school attendance.

Please click here to read 'What parents need to know (Penalty Notices)'


The school will monitor those pupils arriving late or being picked up late.  If a child arrives late or is picked up late more than three times in a term a reminder letters will be sent out to parents.  If this is repeated, a final warning letter will be sent out and a meeting will be organised with the Headteacher.  If this persists the Education Welfare Officer will be called in to support and if it is the end of the school day, Social Care may be contacted to pick up your child/ren. 

Thank you for your continued support and your understanding that my job as Headteacher is to ensure that children are in school to receive the education they are entitled to.


To see our Attendance Policy in full, go to the 'Policies' section of the school website or click on the link below:-

Attendance Policy 

Attendance Matters

Please take the time to look at the statistics below in terms of number of days missed and lessons missed and your child's chances of success in their learning.